STMC SERVICES offers companies outsourced services

French audio transcription, editorial work and technical translation, on an occasional or regular basis, we are the partner for your outsourced assignments and offer a tailored service.

STMC SERVICES offers a professional service

Each assignment is carried out according to the rule book in order to guarantee an irreproachable quality of service. According to needs, from time to time, we are able to call upon our network of experienced and competent professionals (French native).

STMC SERVICES offers its services to all businesses

Whatever the size, location or activity (freelancers, administrations, companies, communication agencies, teachers, researchers, etc.), they place their trust in us because we know how to adapt to their needs and we are proud of this versatility and flexibility.

Prendre contact


Who are STMC SERVICES’ customers ?

Small and/or large structures, local authorities, wishing to save time and be more independent thanks to an occasional or permanent partnership.

Out of a concern for confidentiality, the companies with which we work are not named. In order to give you an idea of some of the companies that have placed their trust in us, we have chosen to cite their sectors of activity.


Confidentiality and communication are our priorities. Before any mission is carried out, we study together the solution that best suits you.

A service contract can be concluded for specific missions or on request. Any document entrusted for a given assignment is destroyed in our files within one month of its delivery.

Our privacy policy is available upon request.

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